Sunday 28 October 2018


As Halloween is getting closer, we wanted to get familiar with some spooky vocabulary! On Friday we played a Halloween bingo! We had great fun and everybody won!

Como Halloween se acerca, el pasado viernes jugamos un bingo de Halloween para aprender algunas palabras monstruosas. ¡Lo pasamos en grande y todo el mundo ganó!

Sunday 14 October 2018


Prior to the Pilar festivity we turned ourselves into little actors and we did so by miming some feelings. Teacher Jose showed us a card and we had to mime that particular feeling to the rest of the class for them to find out! It was fun even though in some occasions we weren't completely sure  how to pull the exact face that was on the card!

Antes de las fiestas de Pilar nos convertimos en pequeños actores y lo hicimos gesticulando sentimientos. Teacher José nos mostraba una tarjeta con un sentimiento que teníamos que gesticular al resto de la clase para que lo adivinaran. Fue divertido porque en algunas de las tarjetas no estábamos seguros de qué cara poner.