Thursday 22 November 2018


For the past few weeks we've been revising the phonics we studied last year and have now completed all Jolly Phonics letters from group 1! S A T I P N
Durante las últimas semanas, hemos estado repasando los phonics que estudiamos el año pasado ¡y ya hemos completado las letras del grupo 1 de Jolly Phonics! S A T I P N

We made a vocabulary poster for each letter!
¡Para cada letra hacíamos un poster de vocabulario!

So that we remembered all phonics, we created a lapbook in which we glued all letters in foldable strips!
Y para acordarnos de todos estos phonics, ¡hicimos un lapbook en el que pegamos todas las letras en unas tiras plegables!

This is our work once finished!
¡Este es nuestro trabajo una vez terminado!

At the very end of it, just to check that we knew all the letter sounds, we did an activity with mini white boards and wrote down the letter that teacher called out!
Here's a video clip of how we did!
Justo al final, para comprobar que sabíamos todas las letras de los sonidos, hicimos una actividad con las pizarritas. ¡Teníamos que escribir la letra que decía teacher!
¡Aquí dejamos un vídeo de como lo hicimos!

On another day, we used our phonics cardboard to pin all the vocabulary flashcards on it! Every single child who was in class that day had a go!
¡Otro día, usamos el tablero de phonics para poner todas las tarjetas del vocabulario. ¡Todos los niños que estuvieron en clase ese día participaron!

4-year-old class A

4-year-old class B

4-year-old class C

4-year-old class D

We are now ready to move onto new ones!
¡Estamos ya preparados para aprender alguno nuevo!


  1. I love to see how big a vocabulary they have already!

    1. Thanks for your comment Jeanett! Children are more and more aware of what they do and learn in class.
