Thursday 18 April 2019


As you know, quite a few days ago we recovered the Fashion talent and to conclude it we carried out the "Rosales Fashion Week" which some of you could watch live. All the kids were involved and engaged in and had an unforgettable time!
Como sabéis hace ya unos cuantos días terminamos el reto de la moda y para ello lo culminamos con la "Rosales Fashion Week" que muchos de vosotros pudisteis seguir en directo. Todos los niños estuvieron involucrados y dedicados al desfile y pasaron un momento inolvidable!

Here are a few pictures and a video of the show!
¡Aquí os dejo unas fotos y un vído del desfile!

Here's a sum-up video clip of the fashion show!
¡Aquí tenéis un vídeo resumen del desfile!

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