Tuesday 6 February 2018


We continue with our adventurous round the World trip and this time we caught a flight to go to India!
¡Continuamos con nuestro viaje de aventuras alrededor del mundo y esta vez íbamos a coger un vuelo a la India!

¡Primero tuvimos que encontrar la puerta de embarque!

After the flight we headed towards security control and baggage reclaim!
¡Después del vuelo, nos dirigimos hacia el control de seguridad y la recogida de equipajes!

¡Pasando por el control de suguridad!

We are now ready to explore and enjoy this wonderful country full of colours, indigenous animals, spicy food and countless festivals!!
¡¡Estamos ya preparados para explorar y disfrutar de este maravilloso país, lleno de colores, animales autóctonos, comida picante e innumerables festivales!!

Here's a short compilation of our flight to India!!
¡¡Aquí dejamos un pequeño resumen de nuestro vuelo a La India!!


  1. Thank you for all the great effort. Everything seems so real, even the teacher´s clothes. I bet all kids have a blast XD.

    1. Hi, we do put a lot of effort in it but it is well worth it and very rewarding! The kids are always eager to carry out these kind of activities and as you say, they have a blast each time, but so do the teachers! :)
      Thanks for your comment!
